February 26, 2009

the duck and I

2008 has been quite moving.... I have spent 310 days in Hamburg, 56 days travling the world with a personal velocity of 6,31 km/h... which is the same as a duck. aha. intersting.

This is my personal annual travel report by DOPPLR.

February 24, 2009

sleepless in down under

The Witch´s Hat has made my personal favorite place to sleep for my first few nights down under.

Have a look at my next home ... well, my place to sleep, hang out, explore, chill and meet new people! I really like it. According to the reviews I read online and since it won "the Australian backpackers award" for the last few years, it´s probably a good choice.

image by Witch´s Hat

This is what I can expect:
Classic federation style architecture with high ceilings and polished floor boards. Personal locker and cloths drawer allocated to each bed. Airconditioning for the summer months and warm quilts and blankets for the winter. Our inner sprung beds are made prior to your arrival with fresh, clean sheets. Bathroom facilities are shared...

Doesn´t sound so bad to me.

Now I am REALLY getting excited.... whooo hooo!

February 18, 2009

Coffee to go

What a cute little carrier bag for your morning coffee on your way to work. Neat idea of our little coffee shop around the corner. Looks a bit fragile but it stayed one piece all the way!

February 10, 2009

lego is art

Browsing through my reader this evening I came accross some really awesomme Lego art. It was published on one of my favorite blogs A cup of jo earlier today. But isn´t this just awesome?! Brilliant idea.

The Lego formations were created by Christoph Niemann, who thought that the Legos, his little sons were playing with, reminded him of his former hometown New York City. Do they really?! ;-) German winters really aren´t that boring, are they?