March 29, 2009

moving out

Yesterday my flatmate moved in her stuff. My stuff is already packed up in a few boxes.
My drawers, shelves, closests and empty my backpack is eagerliy waiting to be stuffed and on we go. I feels a bit strange living in your place still, but it feels more and more like a hotel apartement. And I am sleeping now surounded by boxes... they make funny little creeping noises... like there is someone little living in there.

I gave most of my clothes, accesorizes, shoes and purses - and I have a LOT - away to charity since most of them are almost new. Since I cannot take all my stuff with me down under... I amm left with the tough decision what to take and what to leave behind.

Three more days in Hamburg.... and there´s Happy hiding for days in the curtains, getting really stressed out with all this moving out, moving in, boxes and weird stuff going on around her little space... Happy is not really feeling its name, hiding beneath the curtains and watching everything very closely. And basically being pissed. Three more days and she´ll be in a box as well, going with me to Munich.

twistori... I like it

This is a nice little website, I just found logging in my twitter account. Twitteristories on love, hate, think, believe, wish and feel. I think this feels really great. :-)

See for yourself.

March 20, 2009


It's finally springtime. Even google is in the mood. B-) so put on your sunglasses and pull up your sleeves...

March 19, 2009

a friendly rescue plan

This is what I received from my very good friends - an emergency rescue plan for down under. That is soo neat. In the past it has been me who crafted those to my leaving friends and sister, now it´s time again that I received one of those I suppose.

Little neat things are glued on it, one for every situation possible, so if I ever miss sth. it´s right there. :-)

If you should ever not be in a good mood - take a candy.
If you see black - a white sheet.
If you are lacking money - a coin.
If you are scared - a little paper diaper.

Acutally it´s not really possible to translate since it´s all German word games.

Thanks girls!

Falls Du die Nase voll hast - Taschentuch
Falls Du mal sauer bist - Bonbon
Falls Dir der Groschen nicht fällt - Cent-Stück
Falls Du den Faden verlierst - ein Stück Faden
Falls Du mal schwarz siehst - weißes Stück Papier
Falls Du deine Mutter vermisst - eine Mutter
Falls Du unsicher bist - eine Sicherheitsnadel .....
Falls Du mal Rat brauchst - Telefonnummern von Freunden

March 08, 2009

the world´s biggest concerthall

On March 2nd the wolrd´s biggest concert took place in Hamburg - throughout the whole city to be honest. 100 musicians of the Hamburg Philharmonic Orechestra were spread out in over 50 different places throughout the city, in offices, private apartements and on public sites, to perform "2. Symphony" by Johannes Brahms.

The concert was directed by Simone Young, standing on the top of the Michel tower. The violins were set up in the old Elbtunnel and a the dock in the harbour, the violincellis in front of City Hall, the drums were playing on the tennis court and the trumpets were placed in the entrace of the Schlump tube station. They all could see the director on tv screens.

Unfortunately around 10.000 people were watching the event, nevertheless it was a new world record.

March 01, 2009

australia in the skies

look what I found on Sally photo blog from Sydney today.... isn´t that super neat?!

a tiny streetart project

The British Street-Art-artist Slinkandschou places little handpainted people on the streets of London to tend for themselves. This is what happens then. The world can look so different just by re-adjusting your point of view.


all images taken from little people