This is what I received from my very good friends - an emergency rescue plan for down under. That is soo neat. In the past it has been me who crafted those to my leaving friends and sister, now it´s time again that I received one of those I suppose.
Little neat things are glued on it, one for every situation possible, so if I ever miss sth. it´s right there. :-)
If you should ever not be in a good mood - take a candy.
If you see black - a white sheet.
If you are lacking money - a coin.
If you are scared - a little paper diaper.
Acutally it´s not really possible to translate since it´s all German word games.
Thanks girls!
Falls Du die Nase voll hast - Taschentuch
Falls Du mal sauer bist - Bonbon
Falls Dir der Groschen nicht fällt - Cent-Stück
Falls Du den Faden verlierst - ein Stück Faden
Falls Du mal schwarz siehst - weißes Stück Papier
Falls Du deine Mutter vermisst - eine Mutter
Falls Du unsicher bist - eine Sicherheitsnadel .....
Falls Du mal Rat brauchst - Telefonnummern von Freunden
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