March 29, 2010

convict history

In Port Arthur we stayed at the only caravan park with a bunkhouse and what a bunkouse that was! Walking in the room we were quite surprised... All we knew was that it was a nine bed dorm, well, what we had no clue of was how they managed to put in nine beds in that room... They put in three story bunkbeds. Who would have thought?! Never seen that before and we‘ve seen a lot. The four Asian girls coming in the next eve were likely surprised. Looked kinda scary to sleep in the most top one, since they didn‘ t think about putting up some rails. Hmpf. We chose the middle ones to be on the safe side. All in all the whole camp kitchen, room and the lot resembled more a prison style accom. instead of a cosy campground, basically suited the location of Port Arthur in the end.

After that surprised we went what we thought was the path down to the beach, which was supposed to be right next to the bunkhouse. Ah, after climbing through thick forrest with a dead end just above the water, we figured wrong way and surely enough the path was next to us, just the other way. Beautiful beach it surely is when the sun wold still be up some more time. Dinner called for a Barbie... Chicken and vedgies... yum. That eve we met two Aussie guys in the kitchen and got chatting to them. Funny night with interesting stuff to talk about. And lets not forget the chocolate and the chocolate infused port.... :-)

The next day we spent the whole day at the historic site of the former convict prison. The museum downstairs in the visitor center truly is a little treasure, illustrating the convict history of Port Arthur. One got a playcard which symbolised a certain convict on it, so throughout the museum one could follow the specific concivts personalised history. That was a pretty good idea, I think.

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